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Frequently Asked Question's

Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions and more detailed information about collagen and KenBroth peptides. You can jump to the relevant section by clicking the menu below, or continue scrolling to read all the FAQ's.

About Collagen :

What is "collagen" ?

Collagen is a type of protein which is found in all mammals - it is a major and vital component of skin, hair, nails, ligaments, joints and tendons. In fact 30% of our total body protein is comprised of collagen - But after the age of 20 our body’s collagen levels start to decline quite rapidly, … hence the increased vulnerability to wrinkles, joint pains, weakening bones and other ageing related conditions. 

Collagen is crucial for mobile joints, stable bones, healthy muscles, strong ligaments and tendons, smooth skin, glossy hair and healthy nails. It is one of the primary structural proteins of connective tissues and is also abundant in blood vessels, intervertebral discs, the blood-brain barrier, the cornea, dentin and the intestinal wall – a truly vital component of our whole body.

Unfortunately these days we do not consume enough collagen in our diets. Adding collagen to your daily food intake is a sure way to keep your collagen levels topped up and to offset and reverse these degenerative effects of ageing. 

What is KenBroth ?

KenBroth was developed as a proven and convenient way to fulfil your body's need for collagen. It is a premium grade pure collagen peptide powder of the highest quality, which has been sourced from pasture raised grass fed cattle. 

Where does the word “collagen” come from ?

The word “Collagen” originally comes from the Greek word “kolla” which means glue—and indeed, in a very real sense, collagen is the glue that holds us together . . . Without collagen, you’d pretty much fall apart … !!!! 

What are collagen "peptides" ?

Collagen peptides are small bioactive peptides obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of collagen, in other words, the breaking down of the molecular bonds between individual collagen strands into peptides. Hydrolysis reduces collagen protein fibrils of about 300-400kDa into smaller peptides with a molecular weight of lower than 5000Da. KenBroth peptides have a molecular weight of just 2000Da. Collagen peptides are also known as "hydrolysed collagen" or "collagen hydrolysate" - basically different terms for the same thing. 

What does “hydrolysed” mean ?

In their natural state, collagen molecules are poorly absorbed due to their large size. "Hydrolysation" refers to a special enzymatic processing technique that breaks the protein chains down into smaller fragments, thereby enhancing intestinal absorption. For this reason, most collagen products, whether topical or ingestible, are hydrolysed. 

When hydrolysed, not only is the collagen much more easily digested, but it also becomes very easy to dissolve in hot or cold liquid and much easier to use.

Benefits :

What are the benefits of consuming collagen on a regular basis ?

Consuming KenBroth collagen peptides on a regular basis will help to ensure your skin, hair, nails and joints are optimally nourished and will help to slow down the ageing process. 

When can I expect to start seeing results?

Every person is different and results will vary depending on your age, diet and general health. We have seen some people notice results in the few first days and others after a few months. 

Check out our testimonials page to see what some of our amazing clients are saying about their experiences with KenBroth. 

How long do the results last?

Provided that you continue using KenBroth on a daily, consistent basis, the results will last for as long as you take it. KenBroth is intended to raise your body's overall levels of collagen, so make sure you take it every day to reverse the decline of collagen in your body.

Can collagen peptides simultaneously support multiple health benefits ? 

Absolutely, . . . premium quality collagen peptides like KenBroth are backed by published scientific evidence for their benefits on skin and joint health. Further indications from pre-clinical models suggest that collagen also helps to maintain healthy bones. Thus, KenBroth is a holistic solution to maintain the health of musculoskeletal system and also support skin beauty.

I'm a sports-person, what benefit can KenBroth offer me ? 

Repetitive, high-impact movements can exert excessive stress on joints and even damage cartilage, tendons and ligaments . . . A regimen of daily collagen intake will provide a holistic solution to ensure the health of your musculoskeletal system, bones and joints . . . so you get the most benefit out of your exercise programme.

Whether you participate in running, aerobics, weight-training or impact sports such as rugby . . . you can be sure that KenBroth will help to keep your muscles recovered and your joints strong and healthy. 

Where can I read real testimonials from your clients ?

Please go to our testimonials page where you can read many of the amazing testimonials that we have received from our customers : 


Are collagen peptides safe ? 

Yes ! Premium grade collagen peptides such as KenBroth are a pure and bioactive protein, derived from a 100% natural source and free from any toxins, allergens and side-effects. 

Ordering / Shipping FAQ's :

What Sizes do you Offer ?

KenBroth is available in the following sizes and prices :

250g Pouch @ KES 3,250/-

10g travel sachets, Box of 30 @  KES 4,500/-

1kg Value Tub @ KES 11,500/-

Where can I buy KenBroth ?

You can buy KenBroth from :

KenBroth HQ, No 1 Repen Complex,
Katani Rd / Mombasa Rd junction,

Tel : +254 700 777 254

PayBill No : 777 254
Google Map Pin : https://bit.ly/2KqUy5d

You can also purchase on our secure online shop (coming soon).

Do you deliver ?

We can organise for your KenBroth order to be delivered by courier/rider within Nairobi, usually on the same day, or by G4S for the rest of Kenya where you will be able to collect from one of their many collection points the next day.

Within the Nairobi CBD a "foot soldier" delivery can be organised.

Delivery Charges :
Within Nairobi CBD "Foot Soldier" @ KES 150/-
Rest of Nairobi  : Please contact us with your address so we can get a price.
Rest of Kenya (G4S next day/overnight service) @ KES 450/-

* For G4S locations please choose your preferred collection point from the following link :


Or call us on +254 700 777 254 and our team will happily assist you with your delivery requirement. 

Can I collect my order personally ?

Yes of course !

Free of charge collections can be arranged from our pick up point in Central Nairobi :
Ray's Trendy Tots, Njengi House (next to KCB) Ground Floor, Room 15, Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi

Do you have any other locations where I can purchase KenBroth ?

We have several stockists in various locations in Nairobi and around Kenya, please contact us to see if there is one near you.

If you are interested in becoming a reseller or stockist please contact us by eMail at info@kenbroth.com and we will keep you informed of our expansion plans.

What payment methods do you accept ?

You can place your order by sending your payment by Mpesa to our PayBill :

PayBill : 777254 (RIZALIFE LTD)
How to pay:
Go to M-PESA Menu on your phone
Select : Lipa na M-PESA
Select : Pay Bill option
Enter Business No : 777254
Enter Account No : XXXXX
(Where XXXX is your name or delivery details where applicable)
Enter the total Amount KES ????
Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send

Do you ship Internationally (EU) ?

We do keep some stock of KenBroth in the United Kingdom, so it is possible for us to send your order from the UK to other parts of Europe also.

We ship with DPD courier, . . . please eMail us at info@kenbroth.com, or Messenger us direct at m.me/kenbroth with your requirements and we will be happy to help. 

Do you ship Internationally (outside of the EU) ?

We can arrange shipping within East Africa, please eMail us at info@kenbroth.com with your requirements. We cannot take responsibility for any customs/import duties, local taxes or regulations/restrictions, so please be sure to check in your country first before placing your order. KenBroth cannot be responsible for any duties/charges you may incur on receiving your order.

How To Take KenBroth :

How should I take it ?

Simply mix KenBroth into your morning tea, coffee, soup, smoothie, milkshake or juice . . . KenBroth is a virtually odourless and flavourless powder which easily dissolves into any hot or cold beverage and is easy for your body to digest and absorb. 

What is the recommended dosage for KenBroth ?

We recommend taking 10 grams  a day. This can be split into smaller doses as suits you.

As a guide :

10g = approx 2 heaped teaspoons

Can I take KenBroth more than once a day?

Absolutely ! We have heard some great success stories from people who actually take it two or three times per day. Since the product is purely hydrolysed collagen (protein), there is no upper limit and no toxic level.

What's the best time of day to take KenBroth ?

We regard Collagen as a food, not a medicine, . . . so there is no need to take it at specific times of the day for optimum efficacy. You can enjoy KenBroth whenever it suits you.

How long should I use KenBroth for ?

This is a essentially a food product - sustained and consistent use will provide sustained results. We believe you should find a way to take KenBroth indefinitely as part of your regular schedule as you do with all foods. 

At what age can somebody start taking collagen ?

Collagen levels decreases through our lives (starting in our 20’s). The typical age people start using collagen is around 30+ when the first signs of ageing skin start appearing, but many get a head start on the collagen decline by adding dietary collagen from their 20's. Although we see no reason why somebody under the age of 20 can't take it also, . . . we think it probably isn't necessary as they should have enough natural collagen already. If you have any specific concerns, such as pregnancy or nursing, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.

Is it safe to take collagen during pregnancy and breastfeeding ?

We are not aware of any medical reason as to why it would be a problem. Collagen is ultimately a pure food (protein) and is an essential nutrient. So for example if you were drinking bone broth it would be the same thing only that our collagen is pure and concentrated. There is nothing else at all added to it.
But as always in these kinds of cases, it is always best to consult a medical practitioner incase there may be any specific or unique situations. 

Can I add KenBroth to my normal meals ?

Yes of course ! We’ve seen people adding KenBroth to their morning cup of tea/coffee, to smoothies, soups, juices, stews, pancake mix, chapatis and even ugali ! Collagen is not present in most of our everyday foods, and most people do not eat enough collagen rich foods on a daily basis. Add KenBroth to whatever you are already eating and reap the many benefits.

Nutritional Info :

What's the difference between collagen and gelatin ? 

The difference between collagen and gelatin is that collagen is the raw material, and gelatin is what you get when you cook the collagen. Gelatin is widely used in cooking and catering applications but it does not dissolve in cold fluid. When hydrolysed, the collagen has been broken down into smaller components (peptides), and can easily dissolve in both cold and hot liquids, whereas gelatin will only dissolve in hot liquid. While both are essentially very similar and contain the same amino acids, they have different chemical properties and therefore differ in how you can use them.

What's the difference between collagen and other proteins such as whey or soy protein ? 

In comparison to other proteins, such as whey or soy protein, collagen contains much higher levels of the amino acids Glycine, Proline, Alanine, Arginine, Hydroxyproline and Hydroxylysine. This specific amino acid composition provides collagen peptides their unique bioactive properties which are not found in other protein sources. 

Are there any nutrients that I should take together with KenBroth ?

Yes, Vitamin C in particular has been shown to help stimulate the production of collagen in the body, and it also helps to promote collagen absorption. Some collagen products are offered with added Vitamin C inside them already, but at KenBroth our primary focus is on providing you with the very highest quality premium grade collagen peptides at the best price possible. By adding other ingredients, flavours etc, the end price to you would end up more expensive with a less concentrated product.

There are some basic ways you should be getting enough Vitamin C through your diet. Eating fruits that have a high vitamin C content (like oranges, lemons, guava, kiwi, papaya) as well as red peppers and dark greens like kale, spinach and amaranth are a great way to do this.

What about bone broth soups, don’t they contain collagen ?

Yes, in fact bone broth soups are the exact way our GrandParents used to get collagen in their diets. We all remember the old adage that if you are ill or not feeling well a hot cup of bone broth soup will help you to get better ? It is so true and we really do recommend you to still do this if you can. Making your own bone broth from the bones of organic grass fed or pasture raised animals is one of the best (and most inexpensive) ways to get healthy collagen into your diet.

The problem we have found is that most people these days just do not have enough time to go and source the bones, boil them for 8-10 hours etc. KenBroth was created to remove that hassle and provide a fast, clean, concentrated and convenient way to fill that need.

Is KenBroth Halal ?

Yes, KenBroth Collagen Peptides are Halal Certified by the Halal Trust, United Kingdom (Ref :KBR/VMS/VSOL/009263A)

Does KenBroth contain any gluten ? 

No, KenBroth is gluten free.

Is KenBroth GMO free ?

Yes, KenBroth is a GMO free product.

Is KenBroth suitable for Vegetarians ?

No, KenBroth is not suitable for vegetarians because the peptides are produced from "bovine" sources.

Does KenBroth contain any artificial additives or sugars ?

KenBroth is a 100% natural product consisting of nothing but pure collagen peptides and does NOT contain any artificial additives, flavours, colours, fillers, sugars or preservatives AT ALL.

Does collagen naturally exist in plants ?

Collagen is a type of protein only found in animals , it does not naturally exist in plants. It is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 30% of the whole-body protein content. This essential protein is mainly found in the skin, cartilage, blood vessels, intervertebral disc, and other fibrous tissues such as tendon and ligament. 

What is the shelf-life of KenBroth ?

If stored in a tightly sealed poly-lined container, in normal indoor conditions and away from heat and moisture, it will maintain its initial properties for at least 5 years.

What is the difference between KenBroth and other collagen supplements ?

We cannot vouch positively or negatively for any other products specifically, but at KenBroth we pride ourselves on providing you with the purest source of collagen available. Our collagen is sourced from pasture raised, grass fed cattle from Brazil, and produced to the highest standards of manufacture and packaging. KenBroth contains no added fillers, additives or other ingredients other than 100% pure premium collagen peptide. 

You can also check the level at which the collagen has been hydrolysed to. In the case of KenBroth we have reached a molecular weight of 2000 Daltons. Many collagens are between 5000-10,000 Daltons, and you will notice that difference when trying to dissolve it into colder liquids. Some companies won't even disclose this data.

Where can I find recipe ideas for how to use KenBroth ?

You will be able to get recipe ideas from our Blog (coming soon) as well as from our FaceBook page (www.facebook.com/kenbroth) where we will share great ideas as to how you can use KenBroth in your daily routine. You can also sign up for our newsletter at our website www.kenbroth.com

What is the source of KenBroth collagen ?

Our raw bovine material is sourced from grass-fed, pasture raised cattle from Brazil. This region is known to have the best sources of grass-fed beef in the World due their vast open green pastures where the cattle are allowed to roam and graze freely without constraints. We call these "happy cows", . . . free of hormones and antibiotics . . . your collagen is as healthy as the cattle it was sourced from.

We then fill and pack KenBroth in BCMPA accredited and GMP compliant premises in the UK before shipping to you in Kenya.

Other Info :

How do I find KenBroth in social media ? 

You can follow us in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

How can I become a KenBroth Reseller ?

If you have a retail outlet or are interested in becoming a KenBroth reseller, please eMail us at info@kenbroth.com

Do you offer e-Gift Cards ?

Coming Soon ! The e-Gift Card will be available as an online purchase from our website. It is the perfect way to introduce your loved ones to the gift of better health . . . Each e-Gift Card will be eMailed to the recipient with a personal code for them to redeem their gift. You will even be able to personalise the gift by adding your own message.

How can I get even more questions answered ?

If you have any questions please feel free to call us +254 700 777 254, eMail us at info@kenbroth.com or in Messenger < m.me/kenbroth > and we will be happy to assist.



No 1 Repen Complex,

Katani Rd / Mombasa Rd, 


Nairobi, KENYA

Tel : +254 700 777 254



Coming Soon ...


250g KenBroth

10g travel sachets

1000g (1kg) KenBroth


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